At the end of war Arthur Taylor and Jeanne Piche had a son, Russel Havelock Taylor. Arthur had a dream to raise horses for the army afterall many had died during the war and the Dominion Government would have a need to replace them.
Jeanne, Arthur and young Russel embarked upon a journey to Alberta, the land of opportunity and a great place to breed horses. They purchased a farm in Three Hills Alberta. At the same time Arthurs younger sister had fallen ill. We see from her letters to Arthur and Jeanne that her health was deteriorating rapidly. Shortly after setting up house in Tree Hills Russel died.

It is said that it was a result of the milk he was being fed at the time.
In 1921 Frances Kathleen was born. It was shortly after Francis birth and Helen's passing that Arthur, Jeanne and Frances returned to Montreal.
To read the letters... left double click on each one to enlarge
November 1919

December 1919

January 1920

Helen passed away in 1921.
1 comment:
Why Natural Resources of Canada NRCan/RNCan, didn’t keep preciously what is related to Mr. Taylo’r Hydraulic air Compressor, when this invention can be useful for ever. (When I say forever, I mean it!
While doing my research on air compressing systems, I read in one of the patents about Mr. Charles Taylor’s Hydraulic Air Compressor.
Then, I was told that Natural Resources of Canada has a department were they keep everything that has any relation with the mining industry in Canada.
And I got the following name and phone number
Mr. GILLES Leblanc.
LMSM-CANMET, Val d’Or, Québec
Tel. 819 736 4331, post 226 Mr. GILLES Leblanc.
LMSM-CANMET, Val d’Or, Quebec
Tel. 819 736 4331, post 226
I contacted Mr. Leblanc asking information about Taylor’s Hydraulic Air Compressor in Cobalt or elsewhere. But Mr. Leblanc wrote to me saying that they don’t have any information what so ever about said hydraulic air compressor.
Here is the answer I got from Mr. Leblanc:
RE: Compresseur hydraulique.
Thursday, February 3, 2005 10:26 AM
From: "Leblanc, Gilles"
To: "'Afif Abou-Raphae'"
J'ai bien reçu votre courriel suite à notre entretien téléphonique du 2 février 2005 dernier.
Dans notre ministère, nous croyons qu'à ce stade-ci que vous devriez vérifier auprès de CANMET-ÉNERGIE ( . Ils ont peut-être des programmes mieux adaptés à vos besoins.
À titre informatif, je vous suggère de visiter ces quelques sites internets: Le site général du Ministère des Ressources naturelle Le site du Secteur des mines et minéraux
( ) Le site de la Direction de la technologie minérale (CANMET) . La rubrique Exploitation des mines, Mécanisation et automatisation des mines, vous renseignera plus particulièrement sur le programme de recherche pour lequel je travaille.
Autres sites d'intérêt: agence de l'efficacité énergétique du Québec (Portail du gouvernement QC)
Pour ce qui est des compresseurs hydrauliques, nous n'avons aucune information à ce sujet.
Bien à vous,
Gilles LeBlanc, ing.
Val-d'Or, Québec.
(I knew then that the ragged chutes hydraulic air compressor of cobalt was in operation for more than 70 years).
Thus, I am asking myself now when I got information from the mining museum of Cobalt; how Natural resources of Canada didn’t keep all or some of what it is related to this gigantesque hydraulic air compressor and specifically what is related to his inventor Mr. Charles Taylor.
In addition and because I highly appreciate Mr. Taylor and his work, I will be putting again with this letter a copy of a letter I have sent before, it is called; “Mr. Charles Taylor is my hero”.
Inventor; Afif Abou-Raphael
“Note: The copy of my letter will follow this one”
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